Fort Mu
FORT MU is an international MuOnline Season 6 server designed for fans of long-term gameplay. With multiple servers to choose from, FORT MU stands out thanks to
Season 6 Episode 3 Part 18
Version: Season 6 Episode 3 Part 18Experience Rating: x250 - x9999New cards through season 18.New item sets up to season 18.New Wings of 2.5 - 3.5 - 4 - 5 - 6 levels.New crafting crafts to create - new stones, pets, pentagrams, sets, weapons, wings.New Ancient sets all sets of 5 parts Helm, Armor, Pants, Gloves, Boots.
ManiaMu Online Open New Server! Experience: 100xDrop Rates: 40%Master exp: x150Max Exccelent option: 3Max Socket options: 5Keep Reset Stats: Yes Join, and find much more!
FanatikMU Season 6
Fanatik MU Online originated from the collaborative efforts of three friends who were avid players of MU Online. Inspired by their shared passion for the game, they embarked on a journey to create their very own server.
🔥 GRAND REOPENING IS HERE! 🔥 🚫 FITS MU BLACK v8 FULL PVP 🚫 🆓️ FREE BENEFITS ⤵️ 💎 50K DIMAS PER MINUTE ONLINE 🔰 WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU REGISTER: ⤵️ 1️⃣ 1st FREE RECHARGE 🆓 Main Task 🆓 Rb 16 🆓 VIP 15 FREE 🆓 SET T10 🆓 Talisma T10 🆓 Full Talent 🆓 2 Wing Skins +10 🆓 2 Fashions +10 🆓 2 Footprints +10 🆓 1 Weapon Skin +10 🐕 4 Pets 🐎 1 Mount 🍒 50k Fruits of each 900kk Green Gems 🦄 900kk Zodiac Points 🔒 90kk Accessory Points 💎🔒 600kk Locked Diamonds 🔰 NEWS ⤵️ 🔥 FIXED DONATE 🔥 🆙 CS With Awards for Guilds in EMONEYS 🆕 CS Map With Special Drop 🆕 🆕 2/3 Monthly Festive Events 🆕 🆙 KING OF SEND AND RECEIVE Event 🆙 🆕 Weekly Draws with Great Prizes 🆕 🆕 In-Game Events 🆕 🆕 Monthly Crazy NPC 🆕 🆕 Emoney In-Game Events 🆕 🔮 K9 Invasion at Cristal Mine 🆕️
StealMu S6.18 customs x100 with dynamics! Custom maps, custom gameplay, PlayToWin Join us now! more info on the web + Join our discord! Grand Opening (22/11/2024) Fresh! NO WEBSHOP!!! Play2Win
Version: Season 6 Ep3 (with custom exotic weapons & shields!) EXP Rates: Normal x9999 | Master x5000 (Race to Max Master Level 380!)
MU Abby Servers | Season 6 | x50 | New Server! 24 NOVEMBER
Welcome to Abby Servers   Abby MU Season 6 OPENED 24 NOVEMBERFreebies: Check the new Journey system! Special Rewards!! # Server information # » Version: Season 6 Clasic» Normal Exp: 50x Dynamic» Master Exp: 3x Dynamic» Drop: 20%» Max Reset: 50rr» Max Level: 400Lv» Max Accounts per IP: 06» Offhelper: 8h (12h VIP) # Features #» Mu Helper enabled on Lvl 80» Spots Mark on minimap» All drops well configured and balanced» Professional Team, Professional support» New Battle Pass System» Discord Bot integrated with the game» Custom Tags» Custom Events» New Journey System» Suport Server Language: English, Portuguese & Spanish» Game Style: Farm / PvP and NO PAY2WIN» Totally original game, play on a professional server» and much more..