Welcome to Yggdrasil WoW!
Our mission is simple:
To create the perfect environment for players to relive Northrend.
What this means for you, the player, is that we both truly strive to achieve actual Blizzlike WoW emulation while we offer optional Quality of Life improvements.
While most servers are based on outdated cores and custom guesstimations, we have based all of our scripting on a combination of AzerothCore's open-source development and confirmed reports of functionality from the original servers supplied by our extended Yggdrasil community.
The very same community contributes to the Quality of Life improvements we offer, such as optional XP rate increases, voting rewards, gatherable druid shapeshift forms, warlock pet renaming, and more.
Join the Yggdrasil community today to truly have a seamless and bug-free experience of Northrend!