Foreign Staff and LOVE PH from HOLLAND1 month anniversary! We are so proud to our players! Welcome newbies! Join our community and Facebook page to be guided and updated!New features will be added, new dungeons! New fashions!MultiVerse Flyff- Mid Rate Server- Drop Custom- Penya Custom- Item Drops Custom- Max Level 150- Drops Same As Offcial Flyff- Well Balance Gameplay- Active Staff 24/7- NO TO SPOONFEED! (IF YOU WANT TO PLAY SPOONFEED SERVER THIS IS NOT FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)-- Awakes Free Awakes Scrolls Upon Creation- 50\100 stats- 20% Inc attack- 20% Crit Damage-- Unique Features- All Items NPC Including Donates Items- Ingame Donate Points- Offline Vendor- Premium Farm Site- Farmable all items- Unique Rarity System- Switch Macro System- Fashion Combination- Messenger System- Item Combination System- World Boss System- Anarchy System- New Mounts- Auto Stats- Premium System- Brand New Badge System- Ingame Game Donate Shop System- Renewed Madgrigal- Dungeon System- New Dungeons- Ftool System- New Bosses- Wiki Monsters- Wiki Items- Auto Login Details- Daily Quest System- Custom Title- Achievement System- Afk Farming System- Ai Systemm- Auto Power Ups System- Crafting Systemwww.multiverseflyff.sitehttps://discord.gg/VckBzKm3Xe