WoW 3.3.5a Mega WoW

Server Infomation

Here is some additional information:
- Tier 20 (Icecrown Citadel) will be a solo raid.
- Icecrown Citadel will have 9 main bosses and 2 optional side bosses.
- Three new visuals will be added.
- Four new world bosses (2 in PvP zones and 2 in PvE zones) will be added one week after the release of Icecrown Citadel.
- The Lich King will be released as a world boss but will not be available in the solo raid.
- Tier 20.5 Heroic will be available at launch.
- Tier 20.5 Heroic quests will require fewer medallions compared to regular Tier 14 to complete Tier 20 quests.
- Honor and Arena Points will be reset upon the release of Tier 15 PvP Vendors.
- Daily/PvP quest rewards will be updated to Icecrown Heroic Medallions, which can be used to obtain Tier 15.5 Heroic gear.
- New Daily quests will be added.
- The Tier 20 Honor and Arena Vendor will be added one week after the release.
- New Transmog items (possibly from MoP) will be added later in the patch.
- A new PvP zone or area (potentially a custom version of Alterac Valley with new quests) will be added later in the patch.
- Donor and VIP gear will be boosted/buffed upon release (We boost them each tier release).

Server Frequently Asked Questions

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